Monday, November 28, 2011

Breaking News~ Dancing With the Glacier Peak Stars

Love to watch Dancing With the Stars, sad that the season is over? Well, then don't miss "Dancing With the Glacier Peak Stars". American Ballroom Dance Institute and Glacier Peak High School have joined up to create a spectacular event of dramatic dance routines, all to benefit the Maltby Food Bank.
         Four staff and four students of Glacier peak HS have been chosen through lottery and/or student votes. Each have been pair with a professional dance instructor from American Ballroom Dance Institute and together they have created and mastered routines in Swing, Cha Cha Cha, Viennese Waltz and the Tango. Much like you see on DWTS on TV, each couple has endured hours of practice and stepped outside their comfort zone all for a great cause!  The four staff members from GPHS are...principal Jim Dean, dancing a tantalizing Tango; the athletic director/baseball coach Bob Blair switching it up with the swing; science teacher Chris Scott getting cheeky with the Cha Cha Cha and English/History teacher Monica Weber in a vibrant Viennese Waltz. The students of GPHS include, senior Reggie Gillians checked into the Cha Cha Cha, junior Meghan Hills in a terrific Tango, sophomore Alexander Chao dancing a valiant Viennese Waltz and freshman Natalie St. Marie in a spectacular swing. The winner will be chosen be audience vote. The night also includes a professional show by the staff and partners of American Ballroom Dance Institute.
            Who will take the trophy, you'll have to be there to find out. You won't want to miss an amazing night of entertainment and a chance to help the Maltby Food Bank when you come to see "Dancing With the Glacier Peak Stars". Saturday December 3rd at Glacier Peak Theater, doors open at 6pm. The cost is $5 a person or 5 non-perishable food items. We'll see you there! Please Contact Us for more info @ 206) 769-2848 or by email at

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Best of Western Washington~Best Dance Studio

                 KING5 Best of Western Washington
It's Time to Vote! Vote for American Ballroom Dance Institute at King 5's Best of Western Washington as he best dance studio, Click on the link and vote, voting won't last forever. Help us show others what you already know, that this is a great place to dance, workout and make friends. Thank You All!!!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

DWTS10 - Swing



Bring all your friends and come find out what's swinging. Come learn the same moves like they do on Dancing With The Stars, if they can do so can you! We have an East Coast Swing lesson and Dance Party just for teens. Whether you know how to swing or not, come learn a few sweet, swing moves to impress your friends with. The lesson starts at 8:30pm-9:00 with a Dance Party to follow until 10pm. We will see you there!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Friday June 16TH Lesson and Dance

Come one and all to get sexy, sultry and just plain funky with yourself. A New Student West Coast Swing lesson starts at 7:30pm followed by a dance party at 8:30pm!! So make some plans for Friday June 16TH with your friends to learn the. The WC Swing was developed in the United States around 1937 and the origins of the dance are believed to come from Lindy Hop. WC is a slot dances that allows for both partners to improvise steps while dancing together. Often done to bluesy, sultry styled music, it is a versatile and exciting dance! Here is a sample video of the dance. See you on the dance floor!!!

Friday, June 3, 2011

Spring Shocase Tonight!!!!

Staff and students show off their hot stuff in a spring showcase. There also will be a professional showcase. It will be like sitting in the audience of Dancing With the Stars, what could be more exiting! Well, maybe if you added a beer and wine bar, check. So, bring your family and friends and come enjoy some refreshments and  outstanding dancing.